Sunday, April 4, 2010

Flamingos and Other Pink Birds

Why am I up this late you ask? I have no flipping clue. While I am up I might as well make a futile attempt at entertaining you all. Yeah so about that...
Project Domestic Goddess is off to a rocking start. And by rocking I mean rocking my living room with clutter. I have torn everything apart so as to put it together the "Right" way. I want a maid already.
Edited the layout of my blog. Not sure if I like it. Oh well.
Okay well I am actually sleepy now. It sort of snuck up on me. So I am done moderately entertaining you. You must stop being lazy and find something that is actually entertaining to do. Because alas my blog is not that thing.
~Lady of The Tide Pool

April 4th 2010 - 1:30 AM

1 comment:

Lightazurik said...

i wish i had a flamingo... i was watching cops the other day and someone tried to steal a giant pink flamingo from a vegas casino lawn. I think everyone should have dreams about pandas, Flying Pandas >_> i want to be a pandaren in wow be named pedopanda, after i deleted my druid of course.

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