Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Of Books and Fetishes

New books! I am so excited. I have two new books on my kindle bringing my total up to...35 kindle books. That is just on the kindle since Christmas. I have gotten other hard copies for my library. Which I am proud to say now fills the entire room wall to wall with shelves full of books and I still have to put a ton under the stairs and in the garage. The reason I have so many books is I read everything. Mostly Young Adult Fiction because that is what I am writing about but I read about everything I am interested in, and some things I am just mildly interested in. Meaning I have a ton of odd books...
So when people see my library and they skim over the books they normally turn and give me a shocked look and say "You're really into plushies?"
Then I have to back peddle and explain that there were no good books released that week and I had everything else that interested me at the time. SO VERY KIDDING. I am more of a handcuffs girl...I really hope my mother doesn't read this blog. *Sigh* Funny but true so I am leaving it up. (Not the plushie part I really don't have any books on that one. Plenty of other head turning books but alas I still need to add plushies.) Okay so this blog isn't for family members period. I do amuse myself which is why I'm not deleting anything. As long as I laugh right?
Moving on to safer subjects...I would have to say I have over 3k in books. The reason for this is because I would
go to the bookstore when I worked and blow all my money on books of every kind. Quite a collection over the years and now Eric buys me kindle and hard copy books a lot. I don't throw books away, I only lend them out... then I forget that I have lent them and think I lost them. So the day after I had wanted to read the book and couldn't find it, I buy another copy leaving me with two copies when the book is returned to me. Books make me happy. *Smiles*

~Lady of The Tide Pool

P.S. Recap the teddy bear in my closet was just a gift I haven't thrown away. I swear! The handcuffs on the nightstand...


Fernando said...

LOL, too bad you couldn't lock family members out of specific blogs :)

Ebooks are hazordous to your bank account. You rip through them so fast and d/l another before you know it! I got the nook a couple months back and I have just started the Dark Tower series by Steven King. I like it. Kind of like LoTR meets a Clint Eastwood spaghetti western.

So, for your birthday would you like something from the build-a-bear shop? O.O

bairdduvessa said...

i do the same thing with my paychecks

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