Thursday, April 22, 2010

Omnipotent Beings And Wonder Balls

Okay, this struck me as kinda sad. I was browsing blogs (I have nothing against Christians, well the ones without racism and hate crimes.) and I came across this blog that was rather boastful and arrogant. I was looking at this self righteous crap and saying "Wow, what is this guys malfunction?" Then I looked at his profile statement. Instead of describing himself in this statement or even explaining the nature of his blog it said, "God loves me." Which isn't a bad thing for a christian to believe that their god loves them. Not at all. What struck me was the self righteous nature of the blog and the fact that he only identified himself not as a unique person but by the love of his god. It seemed like he was using that statement to somehow justify his blog.
So I have something to say to those who believe that their identity is based solely off of gods love and even more to say to those who use it as a weapon against others. According to your own religion Christians your god loves everyone (according to my religion too but that is another days topic). He made each person unique. So if you identify yourself most proudly based on your gods love not only are you breaking a deadly sin (Pride) you aren't being the unique person your god supposedly intended you to be. (I only say supposedly because while well versed in the Christian religion, I am not one.) Not all people who believe their god loves them are breaking a deadly sin. I am just saying that playing by your own rules you shouldn't use your gods love for you as a weapon. Don't identify yourself based only on that love, know it is there and be yourself. Because you must know who you are on your own and love yourself before another can love you. I will say it again god made you unique for a reason, don't be a lemming and use an omnipotent beings love as a weapon. I don't think he would like that much...
In other news remember Wonder Balls the candy? That song just popped into my head. I don't think they make them anymore. My mom would never let me have them when we went to the store. They were kind of expensive and when I got a little older and got one on my own they were kind of gross. A chocolate ball which when broken has fruity candy inside and it wasn't good candy. The song was horrible so I am kind of upset it is in my head just stuck there...lingering...haunting...annoying...tears.

~Lady of The Tide Pool

1 comment:

Lightazurik said...

people have used their gods love to proclaim many things, and greatly use it as a weapon. Thus the crusades, the witchcraft trials, even the genocide in uganda currently. They came about because of individuals believing that their god(s) loved them more than others so they had a divine purpose or a right to go out and do things, usually great heinous acts and atrocities as we have seen today.

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