Thursday, April 29, 2010

Nerd Rage

I entered the arena tourney on world of warcraft. Still figuring some stuff out. Like what the flying %^&* I am doing. I play a Disc Priest. Which is the most awesome thing ever. I just don't understand why someone would waste 20 dollars signing up for it just to suck it up completely?
I could basically roll my face across my keyboard and still beat some of these people.I met a rogue today who gemmed resil. even though we were all given plenty. If as a healer I didn't need more resil neither did he. He also had stam and basically I stood there and let him kill himself on my shield. He was nice but his partner was mean so I helped him and told him to leave his partner.
I am evil yes. But I haven't been down right mean to anyone except his mage partner who told me that his rogue sucked but I was good. So I told him that I knew I was good and that he sucked but I would help his partner.
That is the end of my rant. I realize that if you haven't wasted your life on wow this went over your head and good for you. You have a life and I envy you.
~Lady of The Tide Pool

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