Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Project Domestic Goddess.

I have come up with a project for myself. Kinda funny actually. I have decided to take the concept of the movie "Julie and Julia" and apply it to something else. So I have decided I am going do every project in "Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook" A nice five pound book with 743 pages in tiny print. I know its funny seeing as the only cleaning I do is cleaning out my inventory on my character in WoW. Even then I find better things to do. So I am going to do every project in the book and follow her cleaning lists for a year. Following her care instructions on everything.
Which brings me to my first project. The counter top which was interesting because I was doing it wrong the whole time. I was using things that were too abrasive and scrubbing. Blah.
Well wish me luck....I'll need it.

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