Thursday, April 8, 2010

Stop Male Nude Yoga Forever!

Finally yoga. So excited. I am also thinking of going someplace to take hot yoga. Though the place nearby has male nude heated yeah about that. No way in hell am I going near that. Think of the trauma that would ensue if you accidentally went into the wrong classroom. Nm don't think of it, it hurts.
I am thinking of protesting outside the yoga building to make them stop male nude yoga. Yes I am going to protest to stop men from expressing themselves and finding bliss through doing yoga nude. All so that I can feel comfortable and not drive further for hot yoga. What can I say... I am a bitch. Ask me if I care. Okay so I care and that is mean, but god damn it if I will let those peace loving bullies make me drive ten more blocks. How are they being bullies you ask? By doing yoga nude! Trauma! Maybe I could buy them speedos and they would be appeased. Though that is traumatic as well. Maybe even more so. Speedos are a sin guys! Just so you are aware. A mortal it and you go straight to hell for inflicting pain on those around you. And god won't forgive you. The priest may... may even ask for your number, but god knows.
~Lady of the Tide Pool

P.S. I've opened posts to everyone so post what you think of this or sign my online pretend petition. Though if you have something mean to say to you I say this...GO PUT ON YOUR SPEEDO AND STOP LUNGING IN FRONT OF PEOPLE!

P.P.S. I am just kidding if you want to wear a speedo or do yoga nude still creepy but not wrong. Know this though you are a guy and not the prettier sex of the species...

P.P.P.S. Okay I am sexist... *Hangs Head* I just can't think of one nice thing to say. lol.


Ted Lemon said...

Do men actually do nude yoga? I have to admit that I find yoga more pleasant without a shirt, but I would be worried about accidental crushing incidents if I didn't have yoga pants on. Mechanically speaking, nude yoga seems like a really bad idea, whether it bugs you as a non-nude non-male or not.

Lady Of The Tide Pool said...

I don't mind as much as I pretend. I would still be traumatized but to each their own.

Fernando said...

LOL, that does sound scary. There are just some things that don't quite fold in as nicely on guys. Not to mention the potential body hair in places you may not want to see. If you went in at the wrong time it could look like a field of goats bent over eating grass.

bairdduvessa said...

wow i don't think i could do any exercises nude, i'dbe worried about my testes getting contorted

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