Sunday, April 11, 2010

4 Wheeling Babies.

So...I haven't written in a few days. I had to let that male yoga thing set in. Today was go go go go all day. First heated yoga. Then hiking up the canyon. Then coffee with Siena. Finally Jackson's first birthday party. I got him a sock monkey which he promptly stuck in his mouth. My dad got him a plastic baby 4 wheeler. He got his foot stuck under the wheel while he was trying to push it and fell off it with the 4 wheeler landing on top of him. Sooo sad.
In other news my new shampoo makes my hair smell like jasmine or I think that's what it is. Doesn't matter smells good anyway.
I've got nothing...
~Lady of The Tide Pool


1 comment:

bairdduvessa said...

i really should take up yoga

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