Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Crazy Dreams, Crazy Things, And States I Won't Go To

I tend to wake up in the middle of the night and hallucinate. Especially if I have taken a sleeping pill. Normally its spiders and Eric has to cuddle me until I fall back asleep because I truly will not fall asleep any other way since we found that huge deep black spider with the bulbous butt on the bottom level entry hall thing. Since then I have seen spiders dropping from the ceiling, crawling on the bed, and have thought they were crawling on me to the point where you would think I had done some sort of drug, but no I just get terrified.
A few times I have shouted at Eric to go check the house because I have seen men in the room. Like seriously seen them. Before you think I am all crazy its just in the two seconds I open my eyes after sleeping. Its a common side effect of my sleeping pills which is why I would rather get one of my unhealthy spurts of staying up for two days straight than take one.
This all comes along because my brother was making noise in the front room last night and I woke up and could have sworn there was someone crawling through my bedroom window. Okay so my bedroom window is on the top floor,but there is a balcony someone could theoretically climb up and get in. Not really but that is the way my brain works at four am when I have just woken up.
Luckily I am not paranoid. LOL. The actual definition of paranoia my doctor tells me is when you think that the world is out to get you specifically. Like the world has a vendetta against you and is plotting your downfall.
My fears aren't necessarily based around me they are based around calculations, and rationalizations to an extent. Or so I am told. I rationalize my way into fear which my old doctor used to think was interesting. Statistics and such are my world when it comes to stuff like that and I would rather be safe than sorry. There is an irrational side to my rationalization however. There are entire states I will NOT go to based off horror movies having taken place there. And I don't mean circumstantial horror movies like the Exorcist. In that movie those people were in trouble not because of their environment. I mean things like the movie "Decent" and "Texas Chainsaw Massacre". I have yet to see a horror movie placed in Utah, Nebraska, or Nevada but I am still very wary of those states. I have been and let me tell you they are no good. Anyway while I am scared based of "Environmental Horror Movie States" I am not that silly. I will go to Texas if need be. Just don't ask me to put myself in the same position the people in the movie did. I will not go on a road trip through the back of Texas and pick up a hitchhiker, and further more there is no way in hell you are getting me to go spelunking in Tennessee. So there is my crazy blog. About pure craziness, with a side of crazy.

~Lady of The Tide Pool

1 comment:

Bee said...

ummmm sooo I left Texas a few days after watching the texas chainsaw movie.....because I was terrified. This blog entry is so much like me it almost feels like i could have written it!!

And I hallucinate in the middle of the night HARDCORE. like sometimes i cant tell the difference between dreams and real life the day after. creepy.

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