Thursday, April 29, 2010

Nerd Rage

I entered the arena tourney on world of warcraft. Still figuring some stuff out. Like what the flying %^&* I am doing. I play a Disc Priest. Which is the most awesome thing ever. I just don't understand why someone would waste 20 dollars signing up for it just to suck it up completely?
I could basically roll my face across my keyboard and still beat some of these people.I met a rogue today who gemmed resil. even though we were all given plenty. If as a healer I didn't need more resil neither did he. He also had stam and basically I stood there and let him kill himself on my shield. He was nice but his partner was mean so I helped him and told him to leave his partner.
I am evil yes. But I haven't been down right mean to anyone except his mage partner who told me that his rogue sucked but I was good. So I told him that I knew I was good and that he sucked but I would help his partner.
That is the end of my rant. I realize that if you haven't wasted your life on wow this went over your head and good for you. You have a life and I envy you.
~Lady of The Tide Pool

Friday, April 23, 2010

Cuddling and Spoons

I am making homemade mushroom soup with tomato bacon pesto mozzarella tomato sandwiches. Yikes. I am so sleepy I don't know what to do. I forgot to mention the homemade croutons. Blah this post is sooo boring. I mean I am going to fall asleep. I wouldn't blame you if you did too. Wanna cuddle? Can I be the inside spoon?
~Lady of The Tide Pool

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Omnipotent Beings And Wonder Balls

Okay, this struck me as kinda sad. I was browsing blogs (I have nothing against Christians, well the ones without racism and hate crimes.) and I came across this blog that was rather boastful and arrogant. I was looking at this self righteous crap and saying "Wow, what is this guys malfunction?" Then I looked at his profile statement. Instead of describing himself in this statement or even explaining the nature of his blog it said, "God loves me." Which isn't a bad thing for a christian to believe that their god loves them. Not at all. What struck me was the self righteous nature of the blog and the fact that he only identified himself not as a unique person but by the love of his god. It seemed like he was using that statement to somehow justify his blog.
So I have something to say to those who believe that their identity is based solely off of gods love and even more to say to those who use it as a weapon against others. According to your own religion Christians your god loves everyone (according to my religion too but that is another days topic). He made each person unique. So if you identify yourself most proudly based on your gods love not only are you breaking a deadly sin (Pride) you aren't being the unique person your god supposedly intended you to be. (I only say supposedly because while well versed in the Christian religion, I am not one.) Not all people who believe their god loves them are breaking a deadly sin. I am just saying that playing by your own rules you shouldn't use your gods love for you as a weapon. Don't identify yourself based only on that love, know it is there and be yourself. Because you must know who you are on your own and love yourself before another can love you. I will say it again god made you unique for a reason, don't be a lemming and use an omnipotent beings love as a weapon. I don't think he would like that much...
In other news remember Wonder Balls the candy? That song just popped into my head. I don't think they make them anymore. My mom would never let me have them when we went to the store. They were kind of expensive and when I got a little older and got one on my own they were kind of gross. A chocolate ball which when broken has fruity candy inside and it wasn't good candy. The song was horrible so I am kind of upset it is in my head just stuck there...lingering...haunting...annoying...tears.

~Lady of The Tide Pool

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Crazy Dreams, Crazy Things, And States I Won't Go To

I tend to wake up in the middle of the night and hallucinate. Especially if I have taken a sleeping pill. Normally its spiders and Eric has to cuddle me until I fall back asleep because I truly will not fall asleep any other way since we found that huge deep black spider with the bulbous butt on the bottom level entry hall thing. Since then I have seen spiders dropping from the ceiling, crawling on the bed, and have thought they were crawling on me to the point where you would think I had done some sort of drug, but no I just get terrified.
A few times I have shouted at Eric to go check the house because I have seen men in the room. Like seriously seen them. Before you think I am all crazy its just in the two seconds I open my eyes after sleeping. Its a common side effect of my sleeping pills which is why I would rather get one of my unhealthy spurts of staying up for two days straight than take one.
This all comes along because my brother was making noise in the front room last night and I woke up and could have sworn there was someone crawling through my bedroom window. Okay so my bedroom window is on the top floor,but there is a balcony someone could theoretically climb up and get in. Not really but that is the way my brain works at four am when I have just woken up.
Luckily I am not paranoid. LOL. The actual definition of paranoia my doctor tells me is when you think that the world is out to get you specifically. Like the world has a vendetta against you and is plotting your downfall.
My fears aren't necessarily based around me they are based around calculations, and rationalizations to an extent. Or so I am told. I rationalize my way into fear which my old doctor used to think was interesting. Statistics and such are my world when it comes to stuff like that and I would rather be safe than sorry. There is an irrational side to my rationalization however. There are entire states I will NOT go to based off horror movies having taken place there. And I don't mean circumstantial horror movies like the Exorcist. In that movie those people were in trouble not because of their environment. I mean things like the movie "Decent" and "Texas Chainsaw Massacre". I have yet to see a horror movie placed in Utah, Nebraska, or Nevada but I am still very wary of those states. I have been and let me tell you they are no good. Anyway while I am scared based of "Environmental Horror Movie States" I am not that silly. I will go to Texas if need be. Just don't ask me to put myself in the same position the people in the movie did. I will not go on a road trip through the back of Texas and pick up a hitchhiker, and further more there is no way in hell you are getting me to go spelunking in Tennessee. So there is my crazy blog. About pure craziness, with a side of crazy.

~Lady of The Tide Pool

Monday, April 19, 2010

Pancakes An Impostor

One of my friends said something weird about pancakes. Now I am thinking and reflecting on how pancakes are disgusting in the first place but even more so now. Pancakes are not cake people! They just aren't no amount of imagining or pleading (I don't know why you would plead but to each their own) will make them cake. They are dry nearly sugarless, floppy, and did I mention dry? Blah. I take issue with pancakes because they call themselves cake...but they are not... Okay I just got a text and things got weirder... lets start in on butter on pancakes just because yeah no thanks. Butter does not stay on a pancake where it should no it runs off the side. Stay where you are put butter! And more importantly you are too good for pancakes! I don't want pancakes anywhere near me.
Ooo I forgot.. Silver dollar pancakes are the worst!!! They normally are like a sandwich sort of thing. Well decided cake IMPOSTOR are you pretending to be a sandwich or a cake?
In other news reading Sookie Stackhouse - Club Dead
And I just remembered I got my Audible points today!

~Lady of The Tide Pool

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Pain That Is Junk Food.

I just ate too many Doritos. I don't know why. I hate the things. But I did. Despite being on a new med that is a weight loss, anti depressant and migraine suppressant all in one. Talk about your miracle pill. I have all three problems at the moment and its just wonderful that the pharmaceutical companies had me in mind. Any way its a step up slowly med so I can't expect it to work the first day I took it.
My mom bought my brother Doritos and I don't allow junk food in my house but she is insistent he eat the stuff and that I keep it here while I watch him. Big mistake. Grawer! I didn't eat that many really. One is too many. They give me headaches. The doctors say something to do with MSG...or some chem.
Let me just say that the dollar store is a beautiful thing. Really it is. I got all sorts of stuff. They just opened it in the new shopping center. Which is a little weird. Right next to an Italian restaurant which is nowhere near a dollar. Weird things.
Yoga today wiped me out. And I seem to be the next wonder of the universe because my yoga instructors all think its extremely interesting that my arms pop out of socket. The instructor modified the moves for me then he told me he had something for me next class. Can I just say scary... No really. I don't dig the sound of that one. And with that scary thought I leave you.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Of Books and Fetishes

New books! I am so excited. I have two new books on my kindle bringing my total up to...35 kindle books. That is just on the kindle since Christmas. I have gotten other hard copies for my library. Which I am proud to say now fills the entire room wall to wall with shelves full of books and I still have to put a ton under the stairs and in the garage. The reason I have so many books is I read everything. Mostly Young Adult Fiction because that is what I am writing about but I read about everything I am interested in, and some things I am just mildly interested in. Meaning I have a ton of odd books...
So when people see my library and they skim over the books they normally turn and give me a shocked look and say "You're really into plushies?"
Then I have to back peddle and explain that there were no good books released that week and I had everything else that interested me at the time. SO VERY KIDDING. I am more of a handcuffs girl...I really hope my mother doesn't read this blog. *Sigh* Funny but true so I am leaving it up. (Not the plushie part I really don't have any books on that one. Plenty of other head turning books but alas I still need to add plushies.) Okay so this blog isn't for family members period. I do amuse myself which is why I'm not deleting anything. As long as I laugh right?
Moving on to safer subjects...I would have to say I have over 3k in books. The reason for this is because I would
go to the bookstore when I worked and blow all my money on books of every kind. Quite a collection over the years and now Eric buys me kindle and hard copy books a lot. I don't throw books away, I only lend them out... then I forget that I have lent them and think I lost them. So the day after I had wanted to read the book and couldn't find it, I buy another copy leaving me with two copies when the book is returned to me. Books make me happy. *Smiles*

~Lady of The Tide Pool

P.S. Recap the teddy bear in my closet was just a gift I haven't thrown away. I swear! The handcuffs on the nightstand...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

4 Wheeling Babies.

So...I haven't written in a few days. I had to let that male yoga thing set in. Today was go go go go all day. First heated yoga. Then hiking up the canyon. Then coffee with Siena. Finally Jackson's first birthday party. I got him a sock monkey which he promptly stuck in his mouth. My dad got him a plastic baby 4 wheeler. He got his foot stuck under the wheel while he was trying to push it and fell off it with the 4 wheeler landing on top of him. Sooo sad.
In other news my new shampoo makes my hair smell like jasmine or I think that's what it is. Doesn't matter smells good anyway.
I've got nothing...
~Lady of The Tide Pool


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Stop Male Nude Yoga Forever!

Finally yoga. So excited. I am also thinking of going someplace to take hot yoga. Though the place nearby has male nude heated yeah about that. No way in hell am I going near that. Think of the trauma that would ensue if you accidentally went into the wrong classroom. Nm don't think of it, it hurts.
I am thinking of protesting outside the yoga building to make them stop male nude yoga. Yes I am going to protest to stop men from expressing themselves and finding bliss through doing yoga nude. All so that I can feel comfortable and not drive further for hot yoga. What can I say... I am a bitch. Ask me if I care. Okay so I care and that is mean, but god damn it if I will let those peace loving bullies make me drive ten more blocks. How are they being bullies you ask? By doing yoga nude! Trauma! Maybe I could buy them speedos and they would be appeased. Though that is traumatic as well. Maybe even more so. Speedos are a sin guys! Just so you are aware. A mortal it and you go straight to hell for inflicting pain on those around you. And god won't forgive you. The priest may... may even ask for your number, but god knows.
~Lady of the Tide Pool

P.S. I've opened posts to everyone so post what you think of this or sign my online pretend petition. Though if you have something mean to say to you I say this...GO PUT ON YOUR SPEEDO AND STOP LUNGING IN FRONT OF PEOPLE!

P.P.S. I am just kidding if you want to wear a speedo or do yoga nude still creepy but not wrong. Know this though you are a guy and not the prettier sex of the species...

P.P.P.S. Okay I am sexist... *Hangs Head* I just can't think of one nice thing to say. lol.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Art of Being Very Annoyed.

I got a confirmation that my yoga stuff shipped. Still nothing on the classes. I am giving them until 12:17 to get back to me. So roughly when I am done writing this blog. Being annoyed isn't hard but being annoyed artfully is. You must think of ways to release your annoyance. Mine are A. Yelling at hippies. B. Throwing yoga blocks. C. Hanging myself with the yoga stretch bands.
I am kidding so don't get all huffy call me to check if I really did hang myself with a yoga band. I wouldn't answer anyway. lol

~Lady of The Tide Pool

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dpsing The Zen Factor

So here we are at 6 pm Mountain Time. Still no yoga. I called the place 4 times today because each time they told me to call back in one to two hours. Here I am naive thinking that they would actually have a solution. So I verbally dps'd their manager and he looked to see if he could speed things along. Their computer hadn't caught up yet so the answer was no. I wish they would have told me it would take 24 hours because I would have done something today instead of sitting around waiting to hear from them and foolishly hoping I would be able to start today.
Netflix has some good yoga videos by the way. So after you are done yelling at the Boulder Yoga Hippies you can calm down. Wow is that funny but that is exactly what I did today. I am zen now no thanks to Gaiam.
Beer Shrimp Boil tonight for dinner. The recipe I have is awesome. The beer takes all the fishiness out of the shrimp. Still seafood but just slightly less...Fishy i guess.
<3 Lady of The Tide Pool

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Painting is oddly satisfying. I don't know why but painting this piggy bank for a hour was relaxing.

Flamingos and Other Pink Birds

Why am I up this late you ask? I have no flipping clue. While I am up I might as well make a futile attempt at entertaining you all. Yeah so about that...
Project Domestic Goddess is off to a rocking start. And by rocking I mean rocking my living room with clutter. I have torn everything apart so as to put it together the "Right" way. I want a maid already.
Edited the layout of my blog. Not sure if I like it. Oh well.
Okay well I am actually sleepy now. It sort of snuck up on me. So I am done moderately entertaining you. You must stop being lazy and find something that is actually entertaining to do. Because alas my blog is not that thing.
~Lady of The Tide Pool

April 4th 2010 - 1:30 AM

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