Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Subway and Other Methods of Transportation

Bored right now. Trying to write but alas my medication has worn off and my attention scatters. Eric is bringing home Subway for lunch. Yum. Spicy Italian Sangwitch. Yes, I said Sangwich. That is what they are called god damn it!
Eric took his own car to work today which was odd because mine is so much cooler... and messier and out of gas at the moment. Damn him with his stupid shiny blue gray pretty car. Not that mines not pretty its better than most of the trash on the roads these days. Shiny and red.
I have my car for once and I don't know what to do or where to go. Thinking about getting a hair cut. I may do that today. I'm going to chop it all off. Not really I'm thinking instead of having it so long I rarely curl it, I may go about an inch under my shoulders. Still long but not "Climb up my hair and rescue me long."
That's about it. People better show up for raid tonight or feel the wrath! What am I saying its Tuesday. People will show only to find that if they didn't show Friday or Sunday I have replaced them. And I have stopped taking fail so that leaves us recruiting. Hehe. My plan is to take 10 keep 1-2. I know its a little drastic but I'm sick of suck. Enough to weed out the crap. Epic failure is not an option anymore.
That is my rant.
~Lady of the Tide Pool

1 comment:

Bee said...

I love your red, shiney car!! its got Mary personality inside it!!!!

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