Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tablets of Biblical Proportions

Yay! I'm getting a Tablet! Our friend Mike is using me as an excuse to get a new one. Since he is a graphic designer I asked him to help me pick one out for cheap. While looking at them for me he started to want a new one. He is a professional he needs a nice expensive one. So he decided I was the perfect excuse to get himself a new one. Since he's getting said new tablet he is giving me his old professional grade one. It still runs for around three hundred dollars. I'm paying 50 for it. I'm so lucky that way beats the seventy five dollar causal artist ones I was looking at. For those of you who don't know a tablet is a digital drawing board. You draw on it and it shows up on your computer. Its best used with expensive programs like Painter 11, PhotoshopCS 4 and more. I have recently come across said programs and he has copies of other cool programs like Manga Studio EX 4. I'm not a huge manga fan but it will help me with my drawing of people.

<3 Lady of the Tide Pool

Song of the Day: I Get It by Chevelle

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