Sunday, January 10, 2010

Pandora's Box and Other Crazy People

Listening to Pandora Radio. If you haven't heard of it look it up. Its a radio where you pick a song or band. Then they match the style of the artist or the tone of the song and play artists and songs like it. Pretty damn sweet.
As for the other crazy people I'm giving a big vote of crazy to the designers of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare for the wii. Rented it last night it made me soo dizzy! It was hard to control and had annoying timers. All I wanted to do was play my first person shooter and actually shoot stuff! Left 4 Dead 2 However seems to be a good outlet for shooting stuff (On the computer of course). Zombies! Just an old fashioned FPS (First person shooter) with a few fun complications. Besides there is a co op where we play missions with our friends and a V.S. mode we play if we have more than 6 friends who want to play. Very fun.
There is my rant on FPS.
<3 Lady of the Tide Pool

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