Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Blog New Year...

I wonder if this is going to happen? I promised to keep a blog for a year (Kinda). See I'm half way into and halfway disinterested in new years resolutions. Bad place to stand when making them. Oh well.

1. Read one Self Help book a month
2. Keep a day planner
3. Write lists (Ohhh! I love lists!)
4. Idolize Martha Stewart (Shut up she's awesome!)
5. Lose 15 pounds
6. Rearrange bedroom
7. Rearrange house
8. Read more books about writing
9. Read more books on spirituality
10. Play with tarot cards more
11. Imagine more
12. Get dressed everyday (What? I like pajamas)
13. Finish my book
14. Stop night eating
15. Wake up earlier
16. Save change (Just to piss Eric off)
17. Cut back on Wow
18. Eat my frogs.
19. Keep up on mani pedi (Hardest one I swear)
20. Keep up on household chores
21. Keep up on Blog.

It may or it may not work. If its not meant to be oh well. Why isn't the list longer you ask? Because my mom may be reading!
<3 Lady of the Tide Pool
P.S. I don't want your pessimism so if you can't say anything nice... I would say "Shut the fuck up" but alas I am a lady.

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